Estimate Your Loan Amount
Type of Loan: Conforming/Jumbo
Fixed Rate
Interest only
Interest rate: % Loan term: years
Purchase Price $ Or Monthly Payment $
Down payment $ % Or $
Depending on the loan you choose,your Credit Score WILL effect your monthly payment as well as your allowable Loan to Value. Accurately Enter Your MIDDLE Credit Score
The type of loan you selected normally requires that buyers put "x" down as a down payment. If you have made an error,correct now.

To calculate the amount of your first mortgage ,we need to know the amounts of each additional mortgage.Enter them below

2nd Mtg $
3rd Mtg $
4th Mtg $
5th Mtg $
6th Mtg $
Normally when the buyer puts less than 20% down as a down payment ,they are required to pay an upfront MIP(Mortgage Insurance Premium)fee.This is in addition to the monthly fee discussed later.
Upfront MIP % Or $ Pay at Closing
Add to Loan
Estimate Your Monthly Payment
There are so many different property tax rates.The rate you will be charged is dependent on the city the houses is located in.
Property tax % Or $
In addition to the upfront MIP (Mortgage Insurance Premium),a monthly MIP payment is normally required when a buyer puts less than 20% down as a down payment.
Monthly MIP % Or $
Silent Seconds reduce the amount of your 1st mortgage and can reduce your monthly PMI as well. For your silent second comparision we will calculate your PMI at the rate below.
Monthly MIP % Or $
You will normally be required to insure your home against fire, etc.
Hazard Insurance % Or $
Flood Insurance.Normally not known until you are in escrow.
Flood Insurance. $
Are you aware of any other fees that might effect your payment?
HOA Fee $
HOA Fee $
Mello-Roos Fee % Or $
Other % Or $
Other % Or $
Other % Or $